How Used Solar Panels Benefit People and the Environment
For the majority of the world’s population residing in industrialized countries, it is standard practice to purchase a new thing, utilize it, and then discard it when they no longer require it. However, there are a handful of commodities that outlive their owners.
When it comes to energy production, reuse is vital for the wellness of the environment and mankind. According to the World Bank, 759 million people do not have access to electricity. This figure rises to 3.5 billion individuals who do not have fairly reliable access to power.
This problem extends beyond underdeveloped populations. In every nation in the world, regardless of how properly built a power grid is, income gaps and weather disasters affect people’s access to proper electricity.
Meanwhile, our planet’s carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased considerably since 1950, forcing a speedy switch to sustainable energy sources. Reusable solar cells add to the mix of carbon-cutting technologies.
Yet, Good Sun, a non-profit based in California, believes that millions of usable solar panels end up in landfills each year. The important term here is “usable.”
Used panels aren’t always a waste. They’re simply sun-damaged or less productive than new products. This means they may still be suitable for anyone in a warm climate in need of reliable off-grid electricity.
There is an urgent need to disperse these goods. So, how do we ensure that such modules end up in the hands of those who can employ them rather than in landfills?
You may be wondering if there is a market for used solar panels. According to our observations in the field, the answer is yes, and the desire for such products is increasing.
In reality, there is an unusually strong global demand for equipment qualified for the US market. This is because the standard of second-hand material from the country is usually superior to that of new material purchasable in other underdeveloped countries.
Another method for diverting used solar cells to individuals who can use them is to donate them. Several public charities accept donations.
Good Sun, for example, accepts donations of modules that produce at least 50% of their rated capacity. Furthermore, equipment donors must be prepared to provide proof that used modules have been verified and are in excellent shape.